a movie theatre with an assortment of assault weapons,
6000 rounds of ammunition that he purchased on the internet, and a couple 100 round high capacity
magazines. He was dressed in black and wore a gas mask, load-bearing vest, ballistic helmet, bullet resistant leggings, throat protector, groin protector, and
tactical gloves.
All of it was legally purchased.
Within a few minutes the young man shot 70 people. 12 of them died from their wounds.
This tragedy has sparked a lot of debate in this country about gun control. Proponents from both sides of the political aisle have passionately voiced their deeply felt beliefs on the extent of firepower that should be readily available to the average citizen. I see the following quote
thrown around quite a bit:
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
-Thomas Jefferson
Hmmmmmmm… Would the array of assault weapons commercially available to the average citizen be very effective against this …
edge here?
I think that you get what I am trying to say. People with assault weapons pose no threat to a government. They only pose a threat to the rest of us. Time and technology has rendered Thomas Jefferson’s quote irrelevant.
The world of today is very different from that of our founding fathers. Organizations like the NRA advocate for a multi-billion dollar arms industry that cares little for the men, women, and children whose lives get devastated by these brutal weapons. Instruments of mass murder are readily available to anyone who wants them. All you need is a credit card and the internet.
Some more food for thought:
July 17, 2012:
A gunman stood outside of a crowded downtown bar in Tuscaloosa, AL and opened fire, injuring at least 17 people.
May 30, 2012:
After killing four people in a café and then another during a carjacking, a Seattlegunman killed himself as police officers approached him.
April 2, 2012:
Seven people were killed and three others wounded in a shooting rampage at an Asian religious vocational school in Oakland, CA.
March 8, 2012:
Two people were killed and seven wounded when a man opened fire inside a clinic
at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Feb. 21, 2012:
Five people were killed in a murder-suicide attack at a spa in Norcross, GA.
Oct 12, 2011:
Eight people were killed in a mass shooting at a Seal Beach, CA, nail salon.
Oct. 5, 2011:
A disgruntled worker opened fire at a Northern California cement plant killing three and wounding seven.
Sept. 6, 2011:
A gunman opened fire, killing three people and then himself at an IHOP in Carson City, NV.
July 7, 2011:
A man shot and killed himself following his shooting rampage in Grand Rapids, MI
that left seven dead and two others wounded.