And so it begins. Right wing gun nuts are using the Boston Marathon bombing to prove some sick point about gun control. Everything from social media post warning that President Obama is going to try and ban pressure cookers to Arkansas legislator Nate Bell who tweeted: “I wonder how many Boston liberals spent the night cowering in their homes wishing they has an AR-15 with hi-capacity magazine”.
The word insensitivity doesn’t begin to describe the ignorance and offensiveness of these comments. You can not equate modifying common household items to create bombs to a gun that was expressly built to kill in mass. Futhermore, people cowering in their homes with AR15s would have most likely resulted in many more deaths. A bunch of scared people packing assault weapons would have made the police’s job a hell of a lot more dangerous. They would have shot cops, neighbors, and family members by mistake.
The same party that is trying to shove CISPA down the American people’s throats is concerned that background checks for gun ownership would be an invasion of privacy.
The party of illegal wiretaps thinks that background checks are an
invasion of privacy.
The party that claims that civil liberties must suffer in order to combat terrorism believes that background checks are an invasion of privacy.
Well if that’s the case then I ask you this. Other than methodology, what's the
difference between Sandy Hook and the Boston bombings???? I’ll tell you the difference. The assault weapon resulted in a hell of a lot more death.
The word insensitivity doesn’t begin to describe the ignorance and offensiveness of these comments. You can not equate modifying common household items to create bombs to a gun that was expressly built to kill in mass. Futhermore, people cowering in their homes with AR15s would have most likely resulted in many more deaths. A bunch of scared people packing assault weapons would have made the police’s job a hell of a lot more dangerous. They would have shot cops, neighbors, and family members by mistake.
The same party that is trying to shove CISPA down the American people’s throats is concerned that background checks for gun ownership would be an invasion of privacy.
The party of illegal wiretaps thinks that background checks are an
invasion of privacy.
The party that claims that civil liberties must suffer in order to combat terrorism believes that background checks are an invasion of privacy.
Well if that’s the case then I ask you this. Other than methodology, what's the
difference between Sandy Hook and the Boston bombings???? I’ll tell you the difference. The assault weapon resulted in a hell of a lot more death.