noun, plural sanc·ti·ties.
1. holiness, saintliness, or godliness.
2. sacred or hallowed character: the inviolable sanctity of the temple.
3. a sacred thing.
Noun, plural lives
1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms,
being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation
to environment through changes originating internally.
noun, plural hy·poc·ri·sies.
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious
beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
For many years now the right wing has claimed sole custody over “The Sanctity of Life”. They wave their anti-abortion signs and with tears in their eyes profess their love for all life. The problem is that this love for life that they profess to have is very incompatible with their politics. Do adults have that same right to life as unborn babies? Do foreigners? Do minorities? Do the poor?
We’ll start with the most obvious contradiction to their claim. The Death Penalty. The death penalty is discriminatory and is used disproportionately against the poor and minorities.. The risk of executing the innocent can never be eliminated. In fact there are documented cases of the innocent being executed. Furthermore, the astronomical costs associated with putting a person on death row, including criminal investigations, lengthy trials, and appeals exceeds the cost of incarceration for life. It’s not a deterrent to crime. It’s cruel and immoral.
According to the United Nations, over a half million children died in Iraq in the 1990s as a direct result of U.S. sanctions, not soldiers, not combatants, but innocent children. More than a decade later, the number of civilians who have died following the U.S. invasion of Iraq ranges anywhere from over 100,000 to half a million, depending on which study you look at. Put another way, more Iraqi civilians died during the U.S. occupation than under Saddam Hussein. Where is this love for life? Does collateral damage trump their deep seeded pro-life stance?
Thousands of soldiers have lost their lives fighting wars that quite frankly, the American people were led into under false pretenses. Using 911 to fuel our hatred we went into Afghanistan and then Iraq where thousands of American soldiers lost their lives in the name of cheap oil. Where is this love for life when our young men and women are sent to die for less than honorable reasons?
Millions of children around the world die each year from illnesses directly caused by bad environmental policy. Organizations such as the EPA and The World Health Organization are under constant assault by corporate interest. Whenever there is any attempt to ensure healthy standards for air, water, and our food supply it’s seen as an attack on industry. Where is the sanctity for life when we are poisoning our children in the name of corporate profits?
Thousands of teens and young adults die each year from gun violence yet any effort to regulate the sale and possession of firearms is met with fierce opposition. The NRA spends billions lobbying Washington to ensure that guns are readily available to anyone who wants them, regardless of the body count. How does the manufacturing of weapons specifically designed to kill in mass jibe with this so called pro-life stance?
Nowhere is the hypocrisy more evident than in today’s political scene. Women’s reproductive rights have undergone a barrage of attacks by right wing politicians. Congress convenes panels of so called experts on contraception and women aren’t allowed to testify. When they finally do get a chance to speak they are chastised by talk radio and assaulted with ugly insults full of hate and lies. The Republican Party stands idle and does nothing to discourage this shameful behavior. Healthcare reform is looked upon as if it were a handout for the lazy. Everything from prenatal care to school lunch programs are slashed or completely eliminated. Republican Governors threaten to opt out of Medicaid expansion out of pure politics regardless of the thousands of people who will be left without coverage. The right wing has sent a clear message that healthcare should only be for those who can afford it. Sanctity of life for the unborn child but once that child is born so ends the concern for his or her life.
Pro-Life??? Their behavior just doesn't support that claim.
noun, plural sanc·ti·ties.
1. holiness, saintliness, or godliness.
2. sacred or hallowed character: the inviolable sanctity of the temple.
3. a sacred thing.
Noun, plural lives
1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms,
being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation
to environment through changes originating internally.
noun, plural hy·poc·ri·sies.
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious
beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
For many years now the right wing has claimed sole custody over “The Sanctity of Life”. They wave their anti-abortion signs and with tears in their eyes profess their love for all life. The problem is that this love for life that they profess to have is very incompatible with their politics. Do adults have that same right to life as unborn babies? Do foreigners? Do minorities? Do the poor?
We’ll start with the most obvious contradiction to their claim. The Death Penalty. The death penalty is discriminatory and is used disproportionately against the poor and minorities.. The risk of executing the innocent can never be eliminated. In fact there are documented cases of the innocent being executed. Furthermore, the astronomical costs associated with putting a person on death row, including criminal investigations, lengthy trials, and appeals exceeds the cost of incarceration for life. It’s not a deterrent to crime. It’s cruel and immoral.
According to the United Nations, over a half million children died in Iraq in the 1990s as a direct result of U.S. sanctions, not soldiers, not combatants, but innocent children. More than a decade later, the number of civilians who have died following the U.S. invasion of Iraq ranges anywhere from over 100,000 to half a million, depending on which study you look at. Put another way, more Iraqi civilians died during the U.S. occupation than under Saddam Hussein. Where is this love for life? Does collateral damage trump their deep seeded pro-life stance?
Thousands of soldiers have lost their lives fighting wars that quite frankly, the American people were led into under false pretenses. Using 911 to fuel our hatred we went into Afghanistan and then Iraq where thousands of American soldiers lost their lives in the name of cheap oil. Where is this love for life when our young men and women are sent to die for less than honorable reasons?
Millions of children around the world die each year from illnesses directly caused by bad environmental policy. Organizations such as the EPA and The World Health Organization are under constant assault by corporate interest. Whenever there is any attempt to ensure healthy standards for air, water, and our food supply it’s seen as an attack on industry. Where is the sanctity for life when we are poisoning our children in the name of corporate profits?
Thousands of teens and young adults die each year from gun violence yet any effort to regulate the sale and possession of firearms is met with fierce opposition. The NRA spends billions lobbying Washington to ensure that guns are readily available to anyone who wants them, regardless of the body count. How does the manufacturing of weapons specifically designed to kill in mass jibe with this so called pro-life stance?
Nowhere is the hypocrisy more evident than in today’s political scene. Women’s reproductive rights have undergone a barrage of attacks by right wing politicians. Congress convenes panels of so called experts on contraception and women aren’t allowed to testify. When they finally do get a chance to speak they are chastised by talk radio and assaulted with ugly insults full of hate and lies. The Republican Party stands idle and does nothing to discourage this shameful behavior. Healthcare reform is looked upon as if it were a handout for the lazy. Everything from prenatal care to school lunch programs are slashed or completely eliminated. Republican Governors threaten to opt out of Medicaid expansion out of pure politics regardless of the thousands of people who will be left without coverage. The right wing has sent a clear message that healthcare should only be for those who can afford it. Sanctity of life for the unborn child but once that child is born so ends the concern for his or her life.
Pro-Life??? Their behavior just doesn't support that claim.