I sometimes find it extremely frustrating debating conservatives because despite being on the morally, ethically, and FACTUAL side of history, these people refuse to budge from their right wing spoon fed false propaganda. Conservatives are soooo busy defending the grand lies of right wing thinking that they end up with their tongues tied in knots when they try to articulate their positions.
The fabrications come in all sizes and shapes. Here are a few of
my favorites.
· Give the rich more and they will do more…
· Give the poor more and they will do less….
· Guns don’t kill people …
· Republicans are pro-life…..
· Debt is our number one problem….
· The golden years of Reagan ….
· Austerity is the answer to a bad economy …
· Social security is in trouble….
· The free market is the answer to every problem …
· Taxing “Job creators” hurts the economy ….
· Every lame ass excuse ever given for the murderous wars they
lied their way into.
These are just a few of the lies they use to validate their own sad version of reality. The truth is that most of their so called solutions are merely more of the same right wing failed policies that got us into trouble in the first place. Conservatives try to sell us the delusion that this country was better off under a Republican White House. Reagan is one of the best examples of right wing whitewashing. They seem to have forgotten that Reagan tripled the debt, slashed taxes for the rich, raised taxes on the middleclass, traded guns or hostages, and pretty much single handedly created the modern day Taliban. Those are just a few of his illustrious accomplishments. Now It seems that the tactic of rewriting history has begun on George W’s legacy as well. Bush’s approval ratings have greatly increased even though he hasn’t done much more than paint pictures of his dog since he left the White House. The truckload of
crap that was spewed by conservative pundits when the Bush library was dedicated
was a blatant attempt to whitewash history. W himself engaged in fantasy when he
mentioned Hurricane Katrina in his speech. That takes some hutzpah. What
is George’s legacy? Two unpaid for wars and a huge giveaway to drug companies
in the form of part D Medicare that left this country in the shitter. Trillions in debt and thousands dead.
It’s taken us years to climb out of the hole that W dug for us. The journey back has been made that much tougher because of a Republican controlled congress that is so dysfunctional they can’t manage to pass a single meaningful piece of legislation. Not a single one. It’s shameful. 2014 is right around the corner. Let’s do our part to send them all home for good.
It’s easy to debate falsehoods with fact and reason. The frustrating part is that it falls on deaf ears. Conservatives refuse to believe in facts. They ignore history and buy into the right wing’s “makers vs. takers” hateful rhetoric. The concentration of wealth and power that fuels the conservative propaganda machine churns relentlessly and pulling a person out from under the avalanche of lies is a daunting task.
Keep at it progressives! We will pull them out from under their right wing pile of lies one at a time, dust them off, and welcome them back to reality.
Or we will watch the Republican Party die a slow painful death from
self-inflicted wounds
The fabrications come in all sizes and shapes. Here are a few of
my favorites.
· Give the rich more and they will do more…
· Give the poor more and they will do less….
· Guns don’t kill people …
· Republicans are pro-life…..
· Debt is our number one problem….
· The golden years of Reagan ….
· Austerity is the answer to a bad economy …
· Social security is in trouble….
· The free market is the answer to every problem …
· Taxing “Job creators” hurts the economy ….
· Every lame ass excuse ever given for the murderous wars they
lied their way into.
These are just a few of the lies they use to validate their own sad version of reality. The truth is that most of their so called solutions are merely more of the same right wing failed policies that got us into trouble in the first place. Conservatives try to sell us the delusion that this country was better off under a Republican White House. Reagan is one of the best examples of right wing whitewashing. They seem to have forgotten that Reagan tripled the debt, slashed taxes for the rich, raised taxes on the middleclass, traded guns or hostages, and pretty much single handedly created the modern day Taliban. Those are just a few of his illustrious accomplishments. Now It seems that the tactic of rewriting history has begun on George W’s legacy as well. Bush’s approval ratings have greatly increased even though he hasn’t done much more than paint pictures of his dog since he left the White House. The truckload of
crap that was spewed by conservative pundits when the Bush library was dedicated
was a blatant attempt to whitewash history. W himself engaged in fantasy when he
mentioned Hurricane Katrina in his speech. That takes some hutzpah. What
is George’s legacy? Two unpaid for wars and a huge giveaway to drug companies
in the form of part D Medicare that left this country in the shitter. Trillions in debt and thousands dead.
It’s taken us years to climb out of the hole that W dug for us. The journey back has been made that much tougher because of a Republican controlled congress that is so dysfunctional they can’t manage to pass a single meaningful piece of legislation. Not a single one. It’s shameful. 2014 is right around the corner. Let’s do our part to send them all home for good.
It’s easy to debate falsehoods with fact and reason. The frustrating part is that it falls on deaf ears. Conservatives refuse to believe in facts. They ignore history and buy into the right wing’s “makers vs. takers” hateful rhetoric. The concentration of wealth and power that fuels the conservative propaganda machine churns relentlessly and pulling a person out from under the avalanche of lies is a daunting task.
Keep at it progressives! We will pull them out from under their right wing pile of lies one at a time, dust them off, and welcome them back to reality.
Or we will watch the Republican Party die a slow painful death from
self-inflicted wounds