They say that youth is wasted on the young.
I say retirement is wasted on the old!!!!
Like most other middle aged people around the country I often dream of retirement. Well, more like if I will ever be able to afford it. Barring a windfall from the Lottery my retirement will most likely be funded by a couple of near mortally wounded 401Ks, a modest pension, and the hope that all those years of paying into Social Security will one day pay me something back. You know, those so called free handouts that we spend all of our working lives paying into.
Much of my retirement plan revolves around healthcare. How much of my retirement savings will get gobbled up by insurance, insurance supplements, and the rest of the medical monstrosity? Unless Karma seeks its revenge on me for quitting smoking and sends a tobacco truck to run me over I would say most my nest egg will be devoured by this country’s voracious healthcare beast.
I think about my current situation and wonder why on earth is my healthcare tied to my employer in the first place? I understand the history. Companies desperate for workers during the great wars started offering health benefits to lure in quality workers. If they could have only foreseen the mess that that practice created I’m sure they would have figured out another way, any other way, to lure in workers.
I'm in favor of universal healthcare. Now I have heard all the passionate arguments that proclaim that the country would be on an irreversible path towards communism or that the lines at healthcare providers would be miles long as people drop dead waiting for basic services. I just don’t buy into all that fear mongering. On a recent trip to Israel, Romney himself had nothing but praise for the Israeli healthcare system. Israel has universal healthcare with mandates. Go figure. There are a lot of countries out there that make it work. Our free market system is the greatest system in the world but there are some things in life that shouldn’t be “for profit” and healthcare is at the top of the list. We are the richest country in the world and the very least we owe our citizens is access to quality healthcare regardless of economic status.
I have a theory on one of the ways that universal healthcare would be of great
benefit to our economy. What if I didn't have to worry about healthcare coverage when considering retirement? Well that just changes everything doesn’t it? I'd be able to retire at 59 ½ when my 401Ks mature. Instead of hoarding the money and dolling it out to an insatiable healthcare beast I'd be able to enjoy my retirement. I could buy that convertible I've always wanted. Buy that ginormous 3D interactive TV with the wireless endorphin massager. I could get an RV and be forced to sell it right away because my wife says their is no way she is going to travel the country in that thing. The bathroom just won't do! Where is the concierge!! I could truly enjoy my retirement and at the same time invest in our economy. Disposable income to dispose of at will.
Now take my case and multiply it by millions of 59 ½-ers who leave the workplace and go out and enjoy life. All of them not only pumping money into the economy but vacating jobs that can be filled by eager young rock stars itching to rule the world. You know the type. The young and enthusiastic people at work who make you want to throw a stapler at their face. They would be paying off gobs of student loans while working towards their own 59 ½.
Unemployment drops, the economy gets a much needed injection of billions of dollars, and I get …
The perfect tan.
I say retirement is wasted on the old!!!!
Like most other middle aged people around the country I often dream of retirement. Well, more like if I will ever be able to afford it. Barring a windfall from the Lottery my retirement will most likely be funded by a couple of near mortally wounded 401Ks, a modest pension, and the hope that all those years of paying into Social Security will one day pay me something back. You know, those so called free handouts that we spend all of our working lives paying into.
Much of my retirement plan revolves around healthcare. How much of my retirement savings will get gobbled up by insurance, insurance supplements, and the rest of the medical monstrosity? Unless Karma seeks its revenge on me for quitting smoking and sends a tobacco truck to run me over I would say most my nest egg will be devoured by this country’s voracious healthcare beast.
I think about my current situation and wonder why on earth is my healthcare tied to my employer in the first place? I understand the history. Companies desperate for workers during the great wars started offering health benefits to lure in quality workers. If they could have only foreseen the mess that that practice created I’m sure they would have figured out another way, any other way, to lure in workers.
I'm in favor of universal healthcare. Now I have heard all the passionate arguments that proclaim that the country would be on an irreversible path towards communism or that the lines at healthcare providers would be miles long as people drop dead waiting for basic services. I just don’t buy into all that fear mongering. On a recent trip to Israel, Romney himself had nothing but praise for the Israeli healthcare system. Israel has universal healthcare with mandates. Go figure. There are a lot of countries out there that make it work. Our free market system is the greatest system in the world but there are some things in life that shouldn’t be “for profit” and healthcare is at the top of the list. We are the richest country in the world and the very least we owe our citizens is access to quality healthcare regardless of economic status.
I have a theory on one of the ways that universal healthcare would be of great
benefit to our economy. What if I didn't have to worry about healthcare coverage when considering retirement? Well that just changes everything doesn’t it? I'd be able to retire at 59 ½ when my 401Ks mature. Instead of hoarding the money and dolling it out to an insatiable healthcare beast I'd be able to enjoy my retirement. I could buy that convertible I've always wanted. Buy that ginormous 3D interactive TV with the wireless endorphin massager. I could get an RV and be forced to sell it right away because my wife says their is no way she is going to travel the country in that thing. The bathroom just won't do! Where is the concierge!! I could truly enjoy my retirement and at the same time invest in our economy. Disposable income to dispose of at will.
Now take my case and multiply it by millions of 59 ½-ers who leave the workplace and go out and enjoy life. All of them not only pumping money into the economy but vacating jobs that can be filled by eager young rock stars itching to rule the world. You know the type. The young and enthusiastic people at work who make you want to throw a stapler at their face. They would be paying off gobs of student loans while working towards their own 59 ½.
Unemployment drops, the economy gets a much needed injection of billions of dollars, and I get …
The perfect tan.